I make custom handbags, one by one, un par un, with the leather of your choice.
You can be sure that you have a unique piece in hand, tailor made.
I make custom handbags, one by one, un par un, with the leather of your choice.
You can be sure that you have a unique piece in hand, tailor made.
Every sport has its own needs. My daughter Joosfien goes all the way in fencing and is very fond of her floret. Such a weapon demands proper protection and in a standard sports bags, the metal of the weapon will soon rust. It simply asked for a customized solution.
Uit de Naad
A special birthday for a special girlfriend. This occasion called for a custom-designed and custom-carved handbag. Just the model she always wanted but could never find.
Uit de Naad
It doesn’t always have to be for people. This dog looks very happy with his new necklace decorated with salmon leather.
Uit de Naad
Shoe protector for shooters. Leather with logo and inscription.
Uit de Naad
Uit de Naad
Sofie was looking for a suitable handbag in which she can just bring everything she wishes for her daily work trips.
Uit de Naad
You wear a clutch under your arm. It would be difficult to do otherwise with this bag.
Uit de Naad
An artist provided a painting on canvas. Uit de Naad turned it into a handbag.
Uit de Naad